Solar Power Plants

With our Solar Power Plant (SPP) investment, the energy we produce on the roofs of our own production facilities is completely clean, reliable and sustainable, and is environmentally friendly as it does not harm the ecological balance and does not emit carbon.

With Renewable Energy Resources, external dependency in energy production decreases. Renewable Energy Resources help increase energy efficiency and reduce air pollution. It reduces carbon emissions and provides environmentally friendly energy consumption. Acting with environmental protection awareness, Abdioğulları invested in a renewable energy system in 2016 and covered the roofs of all 9 of its businesses with solar panels.

As ABCO, we aim to protect the natural environment by using energy efficiently with the 25 MW energy power we have reached by producing on the roofs of our own production facilities in the last 6 years, and we aim to increase our SPP power every year.

"The energy produced is completely clean, reliable and sustainable, and is environmentally friendly as it does not harm the ecological balance and does not emit carbon. Today, it continues production with an energy power of over 25 MW and aims to increase its SPP power from year to year. "