
We respectfully commemorate Abdi Sütcü, who laid the foundations of a success story stretching from Kayseri to Adana in the 1960s and lost his life in 1992 at the age of 51 due to an illness.

Founded by Abdi Sütcü in 1963, Abdioğulları Plastic and Packaging Industry Inc. has been operating in the plastic packaging sector since 1993 and has been producing high-tech PP and PE-based synthetic packaging products since the day it was founded. Abdioğulları has been a pioneer in the sector in terms of branding with its production power as well as the brands it has offered since 2002. The company, which is rapidly advancing towards institutionalization, is headed by 4 brothers: Bekir, Ramazan, Mehmet and Salih Sütcü.

The company makes its biggest investment by allocating resources and time to education, with the awareness that it can achieve its growth with a staff that improves itself. The company's biggest capital is the innovative mindset supported by education.

Abdioğulları, which produces with its state-of-the-art machines and experienced staff in the protection and packaging of industrial and agricultural products, is one of the largest woven and knitted plastic packaging manufacturers in Turkey with its 2,000 employees and 400,000 m2 area.

Filpa Ambalaj ve Dış Ticaret A.Ş., founded by Abdioğulları, contributes to the country's economy by exporting its products to 60 countries, primarily European countries. The company also managed to enter the top 1000 export companies of Turkey in 2008.

"We continue to work on becoming a customer-focused company that maintains its leading position in its sector by increasing its capacity, values ​​its employees, is open to change, is a leader in its region, and uses its resources efficiently on its way to becoming a global company, constantly develops its technology, and draws strength from the creativity of its employees. "